旭华讲坛第59期:Marine Cable in Waves and Currents 波流作用下的海缆动力学问题
日期:2024-12-12  来源:旭华讲坛  阅读:285

Marine Cable in Waves and Currents 波流作用下的海缆动力学问题


Marine power cables are commonly used to transfer electricity from offshore renewable energy (ORE) devices to shore. Such cables are susceptible to fatigue failure due to flow-induced vibration. This paper describes physical model tests in the Edinburgh FloWave Facility on an instrumented flexible cable in an initial lazy wave configuration subject to flow currents and free-surface waves. Local displacements and strains will be considered, and their spectral content evaluated. In currents, the local load-response behaviour is sensitive to the incident flow direction and speed. For low reduced velocity, the cable is found to vibrate at a fixed frequency with certain locations executing distinct circular, elliptical, nearly linear, and figure-of-eight orbits. For higher reduced velocity, the cable experiences broad-banded, multi-frequency responses. In certain cases, the local cable response is dominated by vortex shedding (with Strouhal number in the range 0.13 - 0.14). These tests shine a light on the complex dynamics involved in the flow-induced behaviour of a lazy wave marine power cable.

Alistair Borthwick has more than 45 years’ experience in engineering science, and first visited Wuhan University in 1990. He is an Emeritus Fellow of St Edmund Hall Oxford, Emeritus Professor at The University of Edinburgh, Professor of Applied Hydrodynamics at the University of Plymouth, and Visiting Distinguished Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He was previously a Professor of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford where he worked from 1990 to 2011 and was Head of Civil & Environmental Engineering at University College Cork from 2011-13. His research interests include river, coastal, and ocean engineering, and marine renewable energy. He was awarded an honorary degree by Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 2016, the Gold Medal from the Institution of Civil Engineers in 2019, and the YanYuan Friendship Award by Peking University in 2020. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 

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