旭华讲坛第55期: 基于高等分析的钢结构设计
日期:2024-12-05  来源:旭华讲坛  阅读:364

Design of steel structures by advanced analysis基于高等分析的钢结构设计

The presentation will provide an overview of recent advances towards developing of a method for designing steel structures entirely by analysis, referred to as the Direct Design Method (DDM). The DDM allows design by advanced nonlinear structural analysis requiring no recourse to a design standard for checking member or cross-sectional strength. As the capability of structural analysis programs increasingly incorporate both geometric and material nonlinear effects, and as standard desktop computers have become sufficiently powerful to run advanced analysis, the DDM is poised to become the next generation design method. The presentation outlines the system reliability framework that underpins the DDM and the calibration of the DDM for 2D and 3D hot-rolled structural frames. Particular attention is paid to recent developments focused on the effect of semi-rigid connection behaviour on system reliability. Different tiers of connection analysis are introduced, including detailed modelling using the Generalised Component Method and modelling at stress resultant level using the 3-Parameter Power Model (3PPM). The presentation also comments on ongoing and future developments on the DDM including the implementation of the method in design practice.

Professor Rasmussen is Challis Professor in the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Sydney. He is former Deputy Dean, Associate Dean Research, and Head of the School of Civil Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Sydney. Professor Rasmussen’s main research interests are theoretical and experimental structural mechanics, fracture and structural reliability with particular application to steel structural members and systems, cold-formed steel structures, stainless steel structures and aluminium structures. He has made numerous contributions to the field of structural analysis and design. He has published 225 journal papers, 95% of which are published in SCImago Quartile 1 journals. He has also published 220 papers in conference proceedings, and has, over the last five years, presented 10 keynote and invited papers at top conferences for research on steel structures. His current h-index (Google Scholar) is 56 which places him among the top 5% of researchers in the field of steel structures. He has received continuous support from the Australian Research Council over the last 20 years. The support includes a total funding of AUS$19.5M, $4.7M as first Principal Investigator. Professor Rasmussen is chair or member of numerous national and international standards committees related to Steel Structures, Stainless Steel Structures, Aluminium Structures, Scaffolding Structures and Steel Storage Racks. 


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