报告人: 日本航空航天学会会长、横滨国立大学Ueno Seiya上野誠也教授、横滨国立大学Miyaji Koji宮路幸二博士
时 间: 2014-09-23 13:30:00
地 点: 木兰楼B808
主 办: 船工系
联系人: 马宁
1. Japanese Roadmap for Aeronautical Research and Activity
Activities of Yokohama Aerospace Laboratory (Prof. Ueno)
2. Introduction on CFD analyses of an experimental aircraft and high-order accurate simulations around an airfoil (Prof. Miyaji)
Prof. Ueno presents two topics in his presentation. The first part of presentation is ‘Japanese Roadmap for Aeronautical Research and Activity’. The society for aeronautical and space sciences (JSASS) issued the aeronautical roadmap in 2013. There seven categories are shown in the roadmap to realize future aviation vision; 1)material, 2)energy, 3)production technology, 4)operation technology, 5)maintenance technology, 6)aviation culture, 7)human resource development. Many projects are going on toward the future vision in Japan. Some of them are based on international cooperation. The second part of presentation is ‘Activities of Yokohama Aerospace Laboratory’. Dr. Ueno introduces the research activities of his laboratory. The main research field of the laboratory is guidance and control in aerospace engineering. The laboratory consists of four groups; 1)air traffic management group, 2)rotor-craft design group, 3)optimal trajectory of spacecraft group, 4)optimal attitude maneuver of satellite group. Dr. Ueno wants to create new cooperative research with researchers in SJTU.
Dr. Miyaji introduces research activities in his group in the field of aerodynamics, especially, computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Specific topics will be CFD analyses of an experimental aircraft and high-order accurate simulations around an airfoil. After the brief explanation, his graduate student, Mr. Morinaka, presents the result of a fluid-structure interaction analysis of a wing flutter using the high-order method.
Prof. Ueno is the president of JSASS (Japan Society for Aeronautics and Space Sciences). He graduated from Graduate School of the University of Tokyo in Aeronautics and Astronautics with M. Eng. and PhD in 1982 and 1985, respectively. Prof. Ueno joined JSASS in 1982, meanwhile he is also a member of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan (SNAJ), the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME), the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE) and American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). His research field includes Guidance and Control, Trajectory Optimization for Aircraft and Spacecraft, Application of Optimal Control Theory for Aerospace Engineering.
Dr. Miyaji graduated from Nagoya University in Aeronautics and Astronautics with B.Eng. in 1992. He received his M. Eng. and PhD from Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Graduate School of the University of Tokyo in 1994 and 1997, respectively. He became a member of JSASS in 1992 and joined Yokohama National University in 1999. He is also a member of AIAA, JSME and JSFM (Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics). He is specialized in Fluid Dynamics, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Aero elasticity (fluid-structure interaction) and Aircraft Design.